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if Xiaomi 13 Ultra CN, then DON'T do THIS:

(Reading time: 4 - 7 minutes)
Monday, 22 January 2024 18:16; Read 288 times

OK, I see ... probably you (like me) have ordered a CN version of this great Camera phone Xiaomi 13 Ultra and you like me intend to use it outside China?

Actually there is NOTHING Wrong to do all that and you will SAVE several hundred euros / dollars this way ...xiaomi 13 ultra 02

BUT there are few important things which u have to keep in your mind buying this NOT cheap Camera phone from China and use it outside China.

I'm writhing this article on my Blog partly on my Xiaomi 13 Ultra CN version in Europe.

OK let's dive directly in to the deep:

1. Order UNLOCKED Xiaomi 13 Ultra

Your BEST option is to order already UNLOCKED Xiaomi 13 Ultra from the Chinese seller

This way u can receive it with GLOBAL ROM which Global ROM have full language support AND will not have some very annoying limitations of the CN ROM.xiaomi 13 ultra 04

If you order your phone from Aliexpress u have to wait a week for the phone bootloader to be unlocked from the seller and the Global ROM to be installed on your CN hardware.

1.1 Please notify the seller to send you the phone NOT locked!

In the Xiaomi 13 Ultra XDA forum there are already a post from a colleague with CN phone flashed from the seller with a Global ROM and ... locked boot loader ...

You can read about this phenomenon here:  U will BRICK a CN Xiaomi 13 Ultra flashed with a GLOBAL ROM if you u LOCK it back!

After receiving you fancy Camera phone, please don't ever forget that still u own a CN phone despite the Global ROM u are using!

Do NOT forget that fact or you CAN easily BRICK your PHONE ... read the details bellow.

​2. I will unlock the bootloader by myself! :)

If you (like me) at some moment decide that you have a lot of experience with Android phones (and Xiaomi phones) and you don't need to wait this extra week for the seller to unlock the boot loader, but you decide to do all that by your self at home be aware of some very serious risks and problems:Screenshot 2024 01 23 14 02 01 498

2.1. Order CN phone with MIUI ROM not Hyper OS

Be 100% sure that the seller will send you a phone with MIUI ROM and NOT the new Hyper OS!

If the seller send you Xiaomi 13 Ultra CN version with Hyper OS preinstalled it will be almost NOT possible for you from Europe to UNLOCK the bootloader of your phone!

This is because of the new bootloader unlock policy of Xiaomi for the CN based phones (region CN) with Hyper OS!

 At the moment there is a hack which could help u to unlock you bootloader with with a phone flashed with Hyper OS, but the hack is NOT working for all phones!

More info about this possible solution to unlock your Hyper OS bootloader you can find here: Xiaomi HyperOS BootLoader BypassScreenshot 2024 01 23 13 58 56 566 01

You can visit also this thread in the Xiaomi 13 Ultra XDA forum:  Issue unlocking the bootloader

If you understand russian language you can search for a solution in the 4PDA forum thread here: Разблокировка загрузчиков XIAOMI

2.2. You received your Xiaomi 13 Ultra flashed with a MIUI ROM?

If you received your Xiaomi 13 Ultra flashed with a MIUI ROM, that's definitely is a Good Luck! :)

2.4. SWITCH ON USB Debug

The first and one of the MOST Important things you have to do after getting a new phone (OR flashing a new ROM) is to activate the Developer Mode and SWITCH ON USB DebugScreenshot 2024 01 23 13 59 22 698

You can do all that very easy by doing this simple steps:

2.4.1. Go to Settings / My Device / Detailed info  and click 7 times on MIUI Version.

2.4.1. Go to Settings / Additional Settings / Developer options

Here you have to activate:

USB Debugging - ON

Also in the Developer options menu is a good Idea to activate also this settings: OEM Unlock, Install via USB, USB Debugging (Security settings)

2.5. DO NOT UPGRADE to Hyper OSScreenshot 2024 01 23 14 02 08 002 01

Here my friend be very, very careful DO NOT make the mistake to UPGRADE by mistake your fancy new phone to the offered system upgrade to the Hyper OS!

OR ... YES you guess it right!

You will have a lot of problems if you later decide to unlock your bootloader .. YES! :)

Also make sure that you have disabled the System Auto Upgrade option!

2.6.Bootloader Unlock wait period

If you decide to unlock the bootloader by yourself be aware that there is a pretty real possibility that you will have to WAIT LONGER than you expect!

Yes! ... :(IMG 20240119 205145 01

The most common wait period for a bootloader unlock is one week (168 hours) ...

BUT do not forget that for some UNKNOWN reason you can receive a much LONGER wait period!

For example a MONTH!

3 days ago when I started my unlock procedure I received ... 594 hours!

Yes, you read it absolutely correct, I have to wait 25 days for the bootloader unlock! FACT! :(

2.7. Do not lock the bootloader of a CN based phone flashed with a Global ROM!

OR YOU will BRICK your phone!xiaomi relock brick 20240123 113152

 OK, this point probably is the most important in this short Xiaomi 13 Ultra CN HOWTO!

Do not ever forget that you are a owner of a hardware produced for China region!

This fact do not changes despite the fact that you are already unlocked your boot loader and you are using a Global ROM.

If you flash a CN based hardware with a Global ROM AND for some unknown reason you decide to lock your bootloader you will BRICK your phone!

If you need to lock back your CN based phone FIRST flash it with a Chinese ROM and after that lock your bootloader.xiaomi unlock 4PDA 20240123 113152

The problem is the same with the opposite case:

if you are a owner of a Global Xiaomi hardware which is flashed with a CN ROM and after that if you lock your phone you will brick it.

UNBRICK your Xiaomi phone

If you have such a very serious problem don't panic!

There are some solutions to fix this problem, but they are NOT FREE of charge.

But, this services are NOT too expensive also! :)

Many of this services cost around 5 / 15 / 25 EUR.

Make a research in Google read the XDA and 4PDA,  forums, ask the community for help and advice!

Here is a paid service which can help you to unbrick your Xiaomi bricked device if you stuck in the problem described above:

Xiaomi Auth Flash

According to the description of this service you will receive a fix if you experience this problems:xiaomi unlock service pictures 20240123 113152

Xiaomi Auth Flash Supported Devices and Services:

- All Xiaomi, Redmi and Poco devices firmware downgrade service from HyperOS to MIUI.
- All Xiaomi Phones and Tablets based on Qualcomm and Mediatek devices that require authorised flashing.
- All Xiaomi Server Based Instant Bootloader Unlock Service [Server Offline]

Below I'm posting also a link to another paid service for EDL mode Flash and also a link to the video instructions in Russian for this service:

Xiaomi Pro Tool

Xiaomi Pro Tool video in RU

Another paid service for unbricking Xiaomi phone:

NC PHONE - All Services Mobiles

Also it's a good Idea to search for the EDL mode Flash for your phone.

But in order to flash your bricked device in EDL mode you will have to find a Xiaomi authorized person with Mi Account of level 2 who can FLASH ROM in EDL mode.

Unbrick your Xiaomi phone if u just stuck in bootloop

I'm posting few links to some other HOWTOs how to unbrick your Xiaomi phone when in boot loop or you have got in to the "System Has Been Destroyed" Bootloop Error?

Bricked AND locked Mi 11 Ultra

System Has Been Destroyed" Bootloop Error