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Garmin Edge 530 short review and conclusions

(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)
Thursday, 11 November 2021 16:39; Read 415 times

The date is November 11, 2021, and today I would like to share my impressions of my Garmin Edge 530 bike computer in just a few words.IMG 20230410 134225

At the beginning of March this year, I acquired my new faithful companion, the Garmin Edge 530 bike computer, which I immediately named with the partisan name Mando! :)

After 10 months and over 8,000 km with 111,000 m of elevation gain, today I finally sat down to write in a few words my first impressions of this remarkable bike computer that I had put off reviewing for a long time for various reasons, mainly because there was always some interesting brevet ride to do before the end of the brevet season and more potential for additional testing of Mando.

"Why did you name it Mando?" someone might wonder.

"What kind of name did you choose... Mando... hmmm?!?"

Mando is short for the Mandalorian, the main character from the famous series The Mandalorian.

My first Garmin bike computer was the extremely small but powerful Garmin Edge 130, which I named after another main character from the same series - Grogu, the little baby Yoda.

You can find a detailed review of Grogu, this super-compact bike computer, here: Garmin Edge 130 - Grogu. A randonneur review - part one.IMG 20230329 093715

Grogu went to a new owner through one of the Facebook groups for cycling equipment, and I happily took on studying and testing his bigger brother, the Garmin Edge 530 - Mando.

During the first few months of active testing, I had a very strange problem with the altimeter on Mando.

I described in detail the problems with the Mando altimeter in the article here: Garmin Edge 530 Mando - Altitude and %Grade problems and solutions.

After the situation described above, we got to know Mando much better, and since then I have not found any other serious problems or anomalies in its operation!

My short conclusion after 10 months, 8,000 km, and 111,000 meters of elevation alongside Mando can be summarized in the following words:

The Garmin Edge 530 bike computer is a reliable and powerful friend that you can count on!IMG 20230329 093704


For those who are not familiar with the Garmin Edge 530 bike computer, I would recommend watching the video review by Stanislav Grachev.

Personally, I watched this video review before getting Mando and got a pretty clear idea of what to expect from the mysterious and unfamiliar Garmin Edge 530 ... :)
