Downshift Blog

A Блог about travel, technology and the life at a slower pace. The journey is as important as the destination.

(Reading time: 7 - 13 minutes)

Three months ago, I acquired the Garmin Varia RTL510 bike radar and rear light - second-hand, for only $134 from AliExpress.

The reason why I am sitting down and writing this article on my blog today is that after almost daily active use for three months, the bike radar stopped working...

You can read about why it stopped working and how I was fortunate enough to fix it in the brief review below.

(Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes)

The downshifter is a person who has literally shifted their life into a lower gear.

The term comes from the English word "downshift" - switching to a lower gear.

Downshifters are people who choose voluntarily and for the long term to simplify their lives.

They organize their lives in such a way that they can live comfortably with less money and, in this way, by working fewer hours for the man, they have much more time for the truly important things in life.

(Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes)

This review will be very short, as I only have superlatives to share about the wheels after about 3 months and 2000+ km of testing on both good and bad roads - including several brevets, one of which was the legendary Ruzhevo 400 with strong headwinds and crosswinds and heavy rain, as well as a few shorter 200 km brevets on relatively poor roads.

(Reading time: 9 - 18 minutes)

The long-awaited Garmin Edge 540 is finally available Worldwide!

Ever since information about the new Garmin Edge 540 / 540 Solar / Edge 840 and the 840 Solar version of the bicycle computers was leaked on the Internet at the beginning of the month, I have been reading many posts with information about the parameters and capabilities of each of the four new models.

On April 11, as expected, Garmin officially announced the launch of the four new additions to the Edge series.

I have watched dozens of video reviews and read overviews dedicated to the four new Garmin Edge bike computers.

I've watched dozens of videos on YouTube with detailed analysis of the parameters and differences between each one of them.

All that time, I've been asking myself the following IMPORTANT question:

- Is it worth upgrading from the iconic Edge 530 to the new (more expensive) Edge 540 or Edge 840?

My answer now, after tinkering and testing the newly arrived Garmin Edge 540 for a few hours is:

- Oh, YES!!! ... The new Edge 540 is simply amazing! :)

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

How can we display a message with our name and phone number on the screen when loading every Garmin Edge series bike computer?

(Reading time: 5 - 10 minutes)

What are the actual differences between the classic (Tethered) ClimbPro and the latest version called ClimbPro Free Climbing?

Garmin released the new ClimbPro Free Climbing about 2-3 weeks ago, along with the release of the new Garmin Edge 540 / Edge 540 Solar and Edge 840 / Edge 840 Solar on the market.

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

How to access the new ClimbPro feature on Garmin Edge 1040? Very easily and quickly in a few steps :)

(Reading time: 4 - 8 minutes)

How to quickly and easily create a high-quality and reliable GPS route?

One of the most important things in preparing for a long bike ride or a new permanent brevet on unfamiliar roads is creating a high-quality GPS track.

If the GPS track is not properly surveyed and created, it can pose many potential risks.

(Reading time: 3 - 5 minutes)

I asked the famous Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT the following very specific topic question related to the upcoming LRM 1200km brevets for the next 45 days after May 25th 2023.

Look what an answer I got!?!... I'M IMPRESSED!!!

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

 Bing ChatGPT advices about the Domain name and SEO: domain name length, domain name age and the domain name tld org vs net in SEO ranking

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

 What ate the fundamental principles of building good quality blog about cycling in 2023

(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)

ChatGPT is valuable source of free education, but the biggest percentage of the people have no idea how to prompt it.

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